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Why Us?

Posted by Sara Roberts on Jun 15, 2020 12:51:46 PM


Social media is a wonderful and wicked tool for businesses.  You want to get in front of your customers and potential customers quickly and easily.  Most of whom are engaged in social media in one way or another.  

It also opens the door for critical looks and comments as to your services or products.  Price, style, circumstances, locations and more are often commented on and questioned.  As a business leader, it makes you look at your services or goods from a consumer stand point and it really does help with crafting your message. 

For us, we are asked Why should we pick you and pay your price?  Food safety is food safety right?  What is so special about Elite Food Safety Training? 

Our owner, Sam Derr, primarily conducted classes for the largest Military Deli & Bakery Commissary in the United States until transitioning to also teaching in the private sector within the last 10 years.  Elite Food Safety was born out of his passion to not only keep the public safe, but to help guide food service workers and establishments in creating safe kitchens and settings for their customers.  

Our mission at Elite Food Safety is to ensure our students are continuing to learn long after their class has ended.  We also strive to educate our students in a way that the knowledge they receive is retained and used professionally and personally daily. 

Our Instructors are trained to use a wide variety of teaching methods to keep the classes entertaining and interesting.  We use videos, quizzes, handouts, role playing and more.  Our students are able to go back to their place of business and be a real leader in food safety. They successfully lead their teams and are confident in the knowledge they have obtained.  

You will always remember taking one of our classes!  Need a fun team environment for your staff?  We can help with that too.  

For more questions regarding our classes, email our Director of Training, Sara Roberts:  sroberts@elitefoodsafety.com 

So, why us?  Because we are the BEST!  



Topics: food safety, class