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What is Auditing?...Be A Step Ahead With Food Safety

Posted by Krystal Luckey on Sep 15, 2021 12:15:57 PM


          A food service audit is an extremely helpful tool in ensuring your establishment is always following the best practices in avoiding foodborne illnesses.  Essentially a ‘Food Auditor’ acts as a health inspector to perform regular checks of your establishment.  Unlike with a health inspector, failing these checks does not hurt your establishment, but it gives the opportunity for corrective action.  It does not replace the health inspector; you will still have regular unannounced inspections from the state or local health department to ensure you are following correct food safety practices.  Hiring an auditor sets you up for success and confidence when these regular inspections come. 


          Generally, a food auditor has a much more in-depth check list than a Health Inspector.  They ensure you are doing the absolute best you can to keep your business and reputation safe.  There are many different companies that provide Food Service Auditing, but the demand for audits far outweighs the supply of certified auditors. 


          Hiring an Auditor puts you A STEP AHEAD FOR FOOD SAFETY. 


          Elite Food Safety is now offering Auditing Services!  Our staff has the knowledge and experience to guide managers through the audit to help them understand proper food safety practices, personal hygiene compliance, food quality standards, sanitation practices, cleanliness and maintenance issues. 


          Elite Food Safety is dedicated to teaching and coaching clients on how to make their workplace a safer and healthier environment for themselves and their customers. 

          Contact us today at mrichardson@elitefoodsafety.com or 1-866-566-EFST(3376) to schedule and information on package deals.