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Reopening after COVID-19

Posted by Laura Geer on May 15, 2020 2:53:42 PM



Is it time to start thinking about reopening your business? At this point and time all business owners have been questioning how this phase will look like and also what path will lead to a successful reopening!

Some states have already started the process, unfortunately some other states are a ways out from reopening. Regardless of what phase you and your business may be in, the National Restaurant Association has provided guidance to help structure and ease into reopening your doors.

Some take away points in this article are:

1) Food Safety
2) Cleaning and sanitizing
3) Employee health & Personal hygiene
4) Social distancing

Here at EFST we only wish the best for your business. Please reach out to sroberts@elitefoodsafety.com  to see how Elite Food Safety Training can help you today!

To download the National Restaurant Association Guidance to Reopening click on the link below:

Download Now

Topics: COVID-19