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New Year’s Resolution to be Food Safe!

Posted by Laura Geer on Jan 1, 2021 2:00:00 PM



New Year! New Me! Happy New Year EFST friends! The time of year where we make ourselves promises to change habits, behaviors, appearances, finances and maybe even career changes has arrived! For those who list daily reminders and encouragements to make their New Year’s resolutions stick:

  • Start simple and small
  • Focus one thing/step at a time
  • Ask for encouragement
  • Build a support team

When it comes to encouragement and building a support team, you came to the right place. Elite Food Safety Training prides ourselves on not only being food safety educators, but we are also partners to our students. Our number one priority is helping YOU keep your customers and the public safe! We also provide a ton of resources and materials on our website that come very handy in pre-class preparation which is free in cost.

Why ServSafe? When it comes to food safety training and certification, ServSafe leads the way. The National Restaurant Association’s ServSafe Food Safety training programs are nationally recognized in all 50 states. In fact, most jurisdictions look for and require ServSafe certifications. Choosing ServSafe is the no brainer part of the process of getting certified. ServSafe offers a few certifications, so the certification that is appropriate for you may differ than what is recommended or in some cases mandated for others.

Reach out to EFST today and consult with one of our educators. Your educator will help advise you on what course would be beneficial to you and your company. We have a range of classes from both Online and In-person ServSafe Manager’s Certification Training, Food Handler’s Card, Allergens and more!

In that states that are affected most by COVID, we are limiting our class sizes to stay within the mandated guidelines. We will work with each state to ensure our students and instructors are safe.

Are you struggling to find a class in your area? Let us know and we will do what we can to assist you!

We are your partner in Food Safety. Let us know how we can help you stick with your New Year’s Resolution to be food safe!


Live chat www.elitefoodsafety.com


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