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Classes Resuming in Illinois During COVID 19 Recovery

Posted by Laura Geer on May 28, 2020 5:11:54 PM



Elite Food Safety Training is exhilarated with the news of Illinois transitioning into phase 3 of COVID 19 recovery. Here at EFST we will be following the health guidelines of the state of Illinois and will adjust the class capacity as time permits. With the current guidelines we will be able to have up to 10 people within the classroom. Once the state enters phase 4 we will be able to dramatically increase the number of students within the classroom setting. If for any reason we are unable to enter phase 4 for all students who register we will make sure to accommodate your needs.

Student and Instructor health is our main focus with resuming our classes. During this time as a whole to keep all attendees safe and comfortable we ask:

-If a participant has been ill, tested positive or has been exposed to one who has tested positive within 14 days of the class date we ask for you to reschedule.
-Spacing of at least 6 feet between people will be met. If 6 feet between can not be met at any moment we ask you to wear face coverings.
-All surfaces will be sanitized prior to students entering the room and after.
-We will be following strict guidelines on physical distancing when entering and exiting the room to maintain social distancing.
-We ask for no group gatherings on premises during breaks.
-Hand hygiene must be performed frequently.
-Classes will be 10 people and under until new guidelines are implemented.

EFST understands that during this trying time group settings may affect some of our students or may not even be an option. If a classroom setting is not the appropriate option for you and your team please reach out to our Director of Training, Sara Roberts. Sara can be reached at sroberts@elitefoodsafety.com and 866-566-EFST. We would be more than happy to help you and your team in the utmost safe way possible.

Resource: https://coronavirus.illinois.gov/s/restore-illinois-phase-3

To download the National Restaurant Association Guidelines to Reopening click on the link below:



Topics: food safety, class